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Concepts and Terminology

At the end of this page, you will understand the terminology and the key concepts used in Snowman.


Entity Types

Snowman supports all entity types which are present in matching workflows.

Concept Definition
Dataset A list of records which can but does not have to contain duplicates. Snowman only supports relational datasets.
Matching Solution A Tool to deduplicate datasets.
Experiment The list of predicted duplicates produced when deduplicating a dataset with a matching solution.

That means that one matching solution can have multiple experiments belonging to the same dataset (e.g. corresponding to different configurations of the matching solution).


Imagine you are running the Magellan data matching tool (open-source). It allows you to configure several aspects of how it operates and thereby a lot of customization is possible.

For this use case, you would only create one matching solution Magellan within the tool. For each configuration, you can afterwards create a new experiment containing information on the configuration within its description.

Have a look at the pages Datasets, Matching solutions, and Experiments for information on how to manage them in Snowman.

Special Entities

A gold standard is an experiment containing all duplicates a dataset contains. A silver standard is an experiment containing a subset of the duplicates a dataset contains.

Altough there are different ways to produce gold standards and silver standards, Snowman puts them into one category. Therefore Snowman provides a gold standard matching solution and a silver standard matching solution out of the box. Assigning experiments to these matching solutions will let Snowman know whether an experiment is a gold standard or a silver standard.

Similarity Scores

Some matching solutions output a similarity score next to the matching decision. This score defines whether a pair is considered duplicate or not. Snowman can make use of this information and allows you to define a similarity score for each experiment on every evaluation page. Afterwards, a similarity threshold can be used to declare all pairs with a similarity score higher than this threshold as duplicate and all others as non duplicates.

Next Steps

You should now have an understanding of the terminoloy and key concepts used in Snowman. As a next step, have a look at how you can configure Snowman to get the most out of the analyses we provide.