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Configuring Analyses

After reading this page you will know how to configure Snowman for the different analyses.

Benchmark Dashboard

  1. Open the Benchmark tab.
  2. Benchmark Dashboard
  3. You can select the different available analyses by clicking on Start Benchmark of the analyses cards.


In many places you can get additional information about objects on the screen by hovering over them. Try hovering over Data Stewards or Developers on the benchmark dashboard.

Benchmark Dashboard hover Developers


After opening an analysis, the subset of experiments, datasets, or matching solutions to be analysed must be selected. For this we provide a configurator specific to every analysis in the sidebar on the left.


If the configuration for the analysis is not complete, a warning will be shown containing information on how to complete the configuration.

Invalid Configuration


Pro Tip: Every entity can be opened and edited by clicking on it's icon.

Next Step

Now you should know how to configure Snowman for the different analyses. As a next step we suggest that you take a look at the different analyses you can perform with snowman

If you are unsure, have a look at all analyses.